Ing. Jaroslav Kováčik, PhD.
- Application of metallic foams in intelligent panels an seismic absorbersProgram: Inter-academic agreementDuration: 1. 1. 2022 – 31. 12. 2023
- Deformation behavior of fiber/matrix interphase bond in composites C(f)/MgGdProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2023 – 31. 12. 2025
- Laser surface modification of Ti - TiB2 biocomposites prepared by powder metallurgy process in order to increase their osseointegrationProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2023 – 31. 12. 2025
- Coating of powder metallurgical Titanium using electromagnetic radiation under working atmosphere, study of microstructure and coatings propertiesProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2020 – 31. 12. 2022
- The study of physical and mechanical properties, machinability and surface treatment of Ti and Ti composites prepared by powder metallurgyProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2017 – 31. 12. 2019
- On the bonding between native Al2O3 layers and the effect of intentionally entrapped gasses in forged Al powders.Program: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2016 – 31. 12. 2018
- Development of a new type of solar thermal collector for medium-temperature applicationsProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 7. 2015 – 1. 7. 2018
- Heating/cooling panel based on aluminum foam filled by PCMProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 10. 2013 – 31. 12. 2016
- Investigation of Ti and Ti alloys compacts prepared by powder metallurgy methods.Program: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2013 – 31. 12. 2015
- Microstructure - mechanical properties relationship for metallic foamsProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 1. 2013 – 31. 12. 2014
- Sonotrode tool materialsProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2012 – 31. 12. 2014
- Gradient aluminium foamsProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2010 – 31. 12. 2012
- Preparation and study of gradient materials and coatings for applications in conditions of extreme degradation processesProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2010 – 31. 12. 2011
- Development of the low cost technology for manufacturing of complex shaped aluminium foam componentsProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 6. 2008 – 31. 12. 2010
- Investigation of the stability of liquid aluminium foam prepared by melt routhe usig aluminium alloys that are stabilised by submicron sized particles of alumina, determination of foam structure and measurement of its properties at solid stateProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2007 – 31. 12. 2009
- Gradient materials prepared by powder metallurgy from micro and nano powdersProgram: SRDADuration: 2. 5. 2006 – 30. 4. 2009