Ing. Karol Iždinský, CSc.
- Cooperation, development and cross-border transfer of Industrial Symbiosis among industry and stakeholdersProgram: COSTDuration: 24. 10. 2023 – 23. 10. 2027
- Strategic and targeted support to incentivise talented newcomers to NMBP projects under Horizon EuropeProgram: Horizon 2020Duration: 1. 1. 2021 – 31. 12. 2023
- Building-up Centre of Excellence for advanced materials applicationProgram: Horizon 2020Duration: 1. 6. 2015 – 31. 5. 2016
- Micro and Nanocrystalline Silicide - Refractory Metals FGM for Materials Innovation in Transport ApplicationsProgram: FP7Duration: 1. 10. 2009 – 31. 12. 2014
- Energy related multidisciplinary knowledge alliance aiming to introduce an innovative training programmeProgram: FP7Duration: 11. 12. 2012 – 10. 8. 2014
- Micro and Nanocrystalline Functionally Graded Materials for Transport ApplicationsProgram: FP7Duration: 1. 2. 2010 – 31. 1. 2013
- Bulk nanostructured Al profiles for applications at elevated temperaturesProgram: FP6Duration: 1. 1. 2008 – 31. 12. 2010
- New Materials for Extreme EnvironmentsProgram: FP6Duration: 1. 12. 2004 – 31. 5. 2010
- Nanoscience in the European Research AreaProgram: FP6Duration: 1. 3. 2005 – 28. 2. 2010
- Metal-ceramic skeleton for application purposesProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2022 – 31. 12. 2025
- Study of the possible using of carbon based reinforcement from waste for engineering applicationsProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2019 – 31. 12. 2021
- Study of thermophysical properties of composites based on TiB2 and ZrB2 with copper matrix for high temperature applicationsProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2016 – 31. 12. 2018
- Development of a new type of solar thermal collector for medium-temperature applicationsProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 7. 2015 – 1. 7. 2018
- Development of the aluminium matrix comosite reinforced by Al2O3 particlesProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2013 – 31. 12. 2015
- Centre of excellence for high productive plasma treatment of materials and additive creation of structuresProgram: EU Structural Funds Research & DevelopmentDuration: 1. 2. 2014 – 31. 10. 2015
- Feasibility study of processing of Slovak magnesite, reusable waste from its mining and processing, as well as metal magnesium-based waste, in line with innovative trends in the world, EU and SlovakiaProgram: Other projectsDuration: 4. 7. 2014 – 30. 11. 2014
- Development of CE for R&D of structural composite materials - 2nd stageProgram: EU Structural Funds Research & DevelopmentDuration: 1. 7. 2010 – 26. 9. 2014
- Deformation behavior of submicrocrystalline magnesium alloysProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2011 – 31. 12. 2013
- Applied research and development of innovative drilling technology for ultra-deep geothermal wellsProgram: EU Structural Funds Research & DevelopmentDuration: 16. 7. 2011 – 31. 7. 2013
- Development of new metal matrix composites based on high modulus short carbon fibres with high dimensional stability at elevated temperaturesProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2010 – 31. 12. 2012
- Productive welding technologies for repair of nuclear-energetic facilitiesProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 9. 2009 – 31. 7. 2011
- Centre for nanostructured materialsProgram:Duration: 1. 11. 2002 – 31. 12. 2010
- Interfacial chemistry of metal matrix compositesProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2008 – 31. 12. 2010
- The development of metal matrix composite materials reinforced with continuous carbon fibres with extremely high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansionProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2007 – 31. 12. 2009
- Deformation free welding of I beams performed with 4 welding torchesProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 1. 2008 – 31. 12. 2008