Study with us! We listed topics for dissertations.

IMMM SAS is an external educational institution participating in
doctoral study programs:
1. Progressive materials and material design – in the field of study 36 Mechanical    Engineering
• length of full-time study 4 years
• in cooperation with MtF STU based in Trnava
2. Engineering technologies and materials – in the field of study 36 Engineering
• length of full-time study 3 years
• in cooperation with SjF STU in Bratislava
3. Science of materials – in the field of study 36 Mechanical Engineering
• length of full-time study 4 years
• in cooperation with FMMR TUKE in Košice
                                    WHAT AND WHERE CAN YOU STUDY?
Dissertation topics for ak. year 2024/2025:
Development of oxide network reinforced composites prepared
from metal powders deposited by ALD layers
  supervisor: Ing. Peter Krížik, PhD. (
(MtF STU based in Trnava, SjF STU in Bratislava, FMMR TUKE in Košice)
Development of a new type of biomedical resorbable zinc-based composite
supervisor: Ing. Martin Balog, PhD. (
(MtF STU based in Trnava, SjF STU in Bratislava, FMMR TUKE in Košice)
Effect of forming and heat treatment on hydrogen embrittlement resistance of high-strength complex concentrated alloys
supervisor: Ing. Michaela Štamborská, PhD. (
(SjF STU in Bratislava)                                      
                                               WHAT CAN YOU OBTAIN?
• Students are entitled to a stipend in the amount according to Act no. 553/2003 Coll., the basic scale of salary scales for employees performing work in the public interest.
• The awarded scholarship can be increased by a salary based on work on projects solved in the institute, from 200 EUR and more.
You will also receive benefits:
• High-quality professional and personal development in the supporting scientific team.
• Flexible working hours, meals within the framework of the law.
• Accommodation in a completely renovated SAV dormitory for a monthly fee of EUR 100 at a distance of 15 minutes by bus from the place of work.
• Additional rewards – once a year for articles published during the calendar year. The reward amount depends on the contribution quality and the magazine (Q1 – 600 EUR, one-time reward, Q2 – 400 EUR, etc.).
• Other rewards are possible for promotion, popularization or pedagogical activity.
• The management of the institute fully supports the PhD. students to participate in foreign internships (possibly obtaining an additional scholarship for 1 to 10 months).
• PhD. students are encouraged to apply for student grants with an additional science budget.