Excursion of first graders to the world of science

 The first-year students from the primary school  Jelenia in Bratislava decided to go on an unforgettable journey into the world of science and visited us on 14 June 2024. Demonstrations of our work and experiments awaited them in the laboratory, and they also learned about materials research at our Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAV, v.v.i. Playfully and entertainingly.

And since our science is playful and sweet, they could test the process of powder metallurgy on a candy press in our Candy Manufactory. With great enthusiasm, they mixed different colored sugars and transformed them into sweet products using their power. From now on, they will know how car gears are made. Little explorers also looked into the depths of materials under a microscope in a real laboratory and could ask the scientists curious questions to their heart’s content. The joy was enormous 😀.

The glimpse into the real scientific world was an unforgettable experience for the first-year students. Many of them are already eagerly anticipating the next research expedition, filled with hope and excitement 😊.