Doctoral students presented the results of their work.

On 06.08.2024, a traditional doctoral seminar was held at our institute. Once again, this provided space for young researchers to present the results of their work and also for valuable feedback from experienced colleagues.

Seminar participants Ing. Selim Burak Canturk, Ing. Lucia Kopčanová, and Mgr. Kateryna Ulybkyna focused on the results of their research before defending the final and minimal theses.The presentations were followed by a vivid and constructive discussion, during which the PhD students received valuable advice and suggestions for improving their presentations. They also had to answer to questions about methodology, data analysis, and interpretation of results, which allows them to improve their scientific work.

The doctoral seminar once again confirmed the quality of research work at our institute. We are hopeful and supportive of the young scientists as they prepare for their exams.