- Thermal-Mechanical Physical Simulation System Gleeble 3800
- Material testing machine Zwick/Roell Z600 and Z200
- High-speed testing machine Instron
- Pendulum impact tester Zwick/Roell RKP 450
- Creep testing machine Zwick/Roell Kappa 100 SS – CF
- Lever arm creep testing machine Zwick/Roell Kappa 50LA – Spring
- Lever arm creep testing machine Zwick/Roell Kappa 50LA – Deadweight
- Universal Nanomechanical Testing System Zwick Roell ASMEC
- Universal hardness tester for instrumented indentation tests Zwick/Roell ZHU 2.5
- Micro Vickers hardness tester Zwick/Roell ZHVµ
- Stereomicroscope Carl Zeiss SteREO Discovery V20
- Inverted light microscope Carl Zeiss Axio Observer Z1m
- Hardness testing machine HPO 250KR/AQ
- Oxygen/nitrogen/hydrogen elemental analyzer LECO ONH836
- Titanium casting machine Titanium casting machine IT-KTV-20-1.5 (LINN High Therm GmbH) with program controller SE-502 and pyrometer
- TITANCAST-700-VAC casting system (LINN High Therm GmbH)
- Resistance furnace for preheating of the molds KK 120 TH (LINN High Therm GmbH)
- Resistance furnace Clasic 2016S
- High-temperature muffle furnace Nabertherm LHT 08/17