About us

Division of properties of materials and structures

The focus of division

The research and development activities of the Division of Properties of Materials and Structures are focused on:

  • relationships between structure and properties of materials (mechanical, physical and chemical),
  • development of materials for high temperature applications and special technologies for their preparation (directional solidification, vacuum metallurgy, precision casting, forming, and heat treatment),
  • destructive and non-destructive methods of testing and evaluation of materials and structures (eg. tensile, compression, creep, thermocyclic creep, fatigue, hardness, impact tests, vibration tests, acoustic emission, ultrasonic method, eddy current method, X-ray),
  • development of methodologies for testing new materials and structures,
  • microstructural aspects of fracture toughness, heat resistance and creep life prediction,
  • deformation and fracture behaviour of materials,
  • degradation of mechanical and structural properties of the materials during their loading under laboratory and operating conditions,
  • development and application of analytical and numerical methods for modeling and simulation of mechanical and deformation behaviour of materials,
  • reduction of the transmission of vibrations from mechanical systems to the environment,
  • experimental and theoretical research on the relationship between random road unevenness and vibration in the road-vehicle-operator interaction system.
  • research and professional activities in the field of materials for nuclear energy,
  • transfer of scientific knowledge into practice within the framework of solving research and development projects with industry.

Destructive and nondestructive testing of materials

  • Characterization of material and mechanical properties of metallic materials and components
  • Destructive and non-destructive testing
  • Microstructural analysis of materials
  • Measurement of gas elements (O, N, H) content

Casting and heat treatment

  • Research and development of precision casting technologies of alloys and composites
  • Preparation of samples and prototypes from high-temperature and intermetallic alloys
  • Heat treatment of the castings