The most important recent projects of the laboratory (2015-2023)
- Development of a new type of metal matrix composites strengthened by the oxide network prepared from ALD-coated metal powders, VEGA 2/0124/23, 01/2023-12/2025
- On the creep properties of powder metallurgical Al-Al2O3 composites by small punch testing method, VEGA 2/0143/20, 01/2020-12/2022
- Investigation of advanced materials suitable for highly effective heat storage, VEGA 2/0152/17, 01/2017-12/2019
- Development of unique TiMg composite dental implant, SRDA APVV-20-0417, 07/2021-06/2025
- High strength Al-AlN metal matrix composites for applications at elevated temperatures, SRDA SK-CN-21-0012, 01/2022-12/2023
- Titanium-magnesium composite for implants, SRDA APVV-16-0527, 07/2017-06/2020
- Research of roofing with integrated function of heat exchanger, acronym: RoofFoam, SRDA, APVV-17-0580, 08/2018-12/2021
- “Building-up Centre for advanced materials application of the Slovak Academy of Sciences” supported by Research & Innovation Operational Programme funded by the ERDF ITMS 313021T081, 07/2019-06/2023
- Create synergies in the region Slovakia – Austria by sharing best practices and awareness of innovative technologies to advance digitalized manufacturing, NFP305010AWJ4/ITMS 2014+: 305011AWJ4, V804 – Share4.0 – SK-AT, 04/2021-11/2022
- Development of a new type of metal matrix composite material fabricated by powder metallurgy approach at an industrial scale, bilateral collaboration between IMMM SAS and ORANO TN, 2015-2021