- VEGA 2/0085/22: Effect of the functional layer of Cu/W electrode prepared by gas pressure infiltration on erosive wear in conditions of plasma discharge
- VEGA 2/0061/22: Metal-ceramic skeleton for application purposes
- VEGA 2/0143/22: Development of aluminum composite filament for atomic diffusion additive manufacturing
- VEGA 1/0531/22: Influence of Zn-based alloy stress state on the mechanism and kinetics of their corrosion
- VEGA 2/0101/23: Deformation behavior of fiber/matrix interphase bond in composites C(f)/MgGd
- VEGA 2/0054/23: Laser surface modification of Ti-TiB2 biocomposites prepared by powder metallurgy process in order to increase their osseointegration
- VEGA 2/0136/24: Development of ultrasensitive printed (bio)sensors using kitchen waste
- APVV-21-0232-DULAWELD: Research of the use of dual laser beam and its influence on the resulting properties of welded joints of duplex steels
- APVV-21-0042-HaToCoat: Hard and tough boride and nitride-based coatings prepared by advanced PVD techniques
- ESA Contract No. 4000141916/23/NL/MH/rp: Feasibility Study of Contact Capacitor Discharge Welding for In-orbit and Lunar Applications
- COST CA20133-FULLRECO4US: Cross-border transfer and development of sustainable resource recovery strategies towards zero
- COST CA20130-Euro-MIC: European MIC Network – New paths for science, sustainability and standards
- COST CA20101-PRIORITY: Plastics monitoring detection remediation recovery
- COST CA21159-PhoBioS: Understanding interaction light – biological surfaces: possibility for new electronic materials and devices
- COST CA22123-EUMACE: European materials acceleration center for energy
- COST CA22110-LIAISE: Cooperation, development and cross-border transfer of Industrial Symbiosis among industry and stakeholders
- COST CA22154-DAEMON: Data-driven Applications towards the Engineering of functional Materials: an Open Network
- COST CA22147-EU4MOFs: European metal-organic framework network: combining research and development to promote technological solutions