Professional seminar “Thermography for science and research” at the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences


On February 4, 2025, the professional seminar “Thermography for Science and Research” was held at the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, which we organized in cooperation with the company TMV SS, spol. s r.o. from Prague.

The seminar was addressed to a wide range of experts, from researchers and academics to specialists in R&D, NDT (non-destructive testing), and industrial users of thermographic systems.

Main topics of the seminar:

  • Use of thermography in various fields of science and research
  • Active thermography – principles and applications
  • Overview of modern thermographic systems and their practical use

The practical part of the seminar brought demonstrations of modern thermographic devices, which allowed the participants to learn about their parameters and also specific uses in industry, production and research.

Through examples from real research and production environments, the participants could better understand the possibilities and potential of this technology. The event created a unique space for the exchange of experiences and professional discussion of innovative solutions in this area, which contributed to the connection of academic research with industrial practice.

We appreciate the participants’ interest and believe that they received a lot of valuable information for their future work.

text and photo: S. Múčková